SRTC announces construction of their new court will commence by June 2023!
Yes, it’s happening!
We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in securing a grant from the NSW Government, and our fund-raising has now reached A$2.2 million! With a little more support from everyone, we can start building in the first half of next year (our grant requires us to break ground before July 2023)!
Thousands of hours of planning, research, documentation and lobbying have been undertaken pro-bono by a small band of dedicated Sydney members, which is not bad considering we haven’t had a court for 17 years!
A further minimum A$500,000 is urgently needed by early 2023 so we can proceed.
How can you help?
If you've thought about contributing to the new court, it's not too late! In fact now is the perfect time to step forward, every dollar counts at this stage! There are a number of options, from a tax deductible donation via the Australian Sports Foundation, interstate life memberships or even a more substantial commitment (also tax deductible), which could buy your family's name forever, courtside! Click below to see the available donor categories.
Naming rights are limited and will be snapped up now the court is guaranteed to go ahead, so if you're keen to become a part of the Sydney heritage, we'd love to hear from you.
First round expressions of interest are required to be submitted by 20 December 2022.
Finding out about our successful grant application!