Sincere thanks to the 280 generous people who have donated to the Cheltenham project

Listed below are the Major Donors and Interstate/ International Life Members:


Major Grant

$1 million+

NSW Government




Tim Abdallah, Graeme Bradfield, Chris Cooper, Tom Dery, Michael Fitzgerald, Dick Friend, James Guest, Jonathan Hamer, Julie Hayes, Janet Limb, John Link, Brendan O’Brien, Brian Robertson




Richard Allen, Graham Bradley, Dick Crane, Peter Estcourt, Robert Estcourt, Eddie Fazal, James Guest, Michael Happell, Charlie Lanchester, Damien O’Meara, Bain Shenstone, Wayne Spring, Richard Travers, The Tennis and Racquets Association (UK), The Westwood Country Club (USA)


Andrew Aouad, Tony Browne, Richard Cogswell, Robin McAllen, Greg Melick, Greg Moran, David Pinsent, Gareth Quarry




Interstate and international Life members

Coming soon